Pre-processed Seafood
Please let us know your processing requirements when requesting quotes

Red Threadfin
Red Polynemidae

Octopus whole, or ask us if you have any specific processing requirements.

Argentine Shortfin Squid
Illex Argentinus. We also have Japanese flying squid (todarodes pacificus) and various species of Loligo squid. Send us an enquiry if you are interested in any of these species.

Squid Tentacles
Commonly used by restaurants to make deep fried or grilled snacks. We also have Japanese flying squid (todarodes pacificus) and various species of Loligo squid. Send us an enquiry if you are interested in any of these species.

Squid Tube
We also have Japanese flying squid (todarodes pacificus) and various species of Loligo squid. Send us an enquiry if you are interested in any of these species.

Squid Skewer
Often used to make grilled or seasoned snacks. We also have Japanese flying squid (todarodes pacificus) and various species of Loligo squid. Send us an enquiry if you are interested in any of these species.

Small Yellow Croaker
Larimichthys polyactis. You can purchase whole, or ask us if you have other processing requirements.

Mugil cephalus

Horse Crab
Portunus trituberculatus. Otherwise known as the gazami crab, Japanese blue crab or horse crab, caught off the coasts of East Asia.

Japanese Scad
Decapterus maruadsi, aka Muroaji

Pacific Saury
Cololabis saira. The Pacific saury is a member of the family Scomberesocidae. This saury, which is a food source in some East Asian cuisines, is also known by the name mackerel pike.

Chinese Drum
Miichthys miiuy

Threadfin Fillet
We are able to fillet a large variety of fish for your needs and size requirements.

Japanese Seerfish
Scomberomorus niphonius. Also known as Japanese Spanish Mackerel

Asian Sea Bass
Lates calcarifer. Also known as Barramundi in Australia.You can purchase whole, or ask us if you have other processing requirements.

Silvery grey perciform fish of the family Polynemidae.

Red Snapper
Caught in the western Atlantic.

Golden Pompano
Trachinotus auratus. A delicious all round fish, perfect plate size to cook. It is flavoursome and sweet tasting as a baked fish but also great steamed, pan fried, or char grilled.

Red Tilapia
The Red Tilapia, produced first time in Taiwan through the interspecific cross of Oreochromis mossambicus albino and Oreochromis niloticus. It is a relatively large cichlid fish and became popular due to its colour

Black Tilapia
Oreochromis placidus. You can purchase whole, or ask us if you have other processing requirements.

Black Pomfret
Parastromateus niger or Formio Niger. A delicious all round fish, perfect plate size to cook. It is flavoursome and sweet tasting as a baked fish but also great steamed, pan fried, or char grilled.

Ribbonfish are a prized food fish in Japan, but have yet to be widely embraced by American eaters. The flesh is between flounder and sea trout – mild with a hint of briny, ocean flavor. The texture is delicate, with white, flaky meat. There are numerous species of ribbonfish, let us know the exact species you are after or send us a photo of your stock.

Yellow Croaker
Larimichthys crocea

White Threadfin
You can purchase whole, or ask us if you have other processing requirements.

Silver Pomfret
Pampus argenteus. A delicious all round fish, perfect plate size to cook. It is flavoursome and sweet tasting as a baked fish but also great steamed, pan fried, or char grilled.

Argentine Squid-Illex
You can purchase whole, or ask us if you have other processing requirements.